What is valve diseases? Your
valves of heart are at the exit of each one of your rooms of four hearts and maintain blood with single direction cross your heart. The four valves of heart make sure that blood between always freely in a direction forwards and that there is no escape behind. Blood rises from your right and left auricles in your ventricles by the mitral open valves and from tricuspidWhen the ventricles are full, the mitral valves and of tricuspid close. This prevents blood from running towards the back in the auricles while the ventricles contract (compression). While the ventricles start to contract, the valves pulmonic and aortic are obligatory open and blood is pumped out of the ventricles by the valves open in the pulmonary artery towards the lungs, the aorta, and the body. When the ventricles finish contracting and start to slacken, aortic rupture and pulmonic of valves closed. These valves prevent blood from again running in the ventricles. This model is repeated on several occasions, making run blood without interruption in the heart, the lungs and the body.What causes the cardiac disorder of Valvular? The
disease of valve can develop before the birth (congenital) or can be acquired formerly during the life with one. Sometimes the cause of the
disease of valve is unknown.The congenital
disease of valve. Generally affect the aortic valve or pulmonic. The valves can be the false size, to have the layers malformed, or to have layers which are not attached to the ring correctly. The bicuspid disease of aortic valve is a congenital disease of valve which affects the aortic valve. Instead of the three normal layers or edges, the bicuspid aortic valve has only two. Without the third layer, the valve can be stiff (incompetent to open or close themselves correctly) or permeable (nonable end narrowly). The acquired
disease of valve. This includes the problems which develop with the valves which were in the past normal. Those can imply changes of the structure or your valve due to a variety of the diseases or infections, including the fever or rheumatic endocarditis.The rheumatic fever is caused by an untreated bacterial infection (usually streptocoque. gorges). Fortunately, the introduction of antibiotics to treat this infection clearly reduced the numbers of this infection. The initial infection usually occurs in the children, but the problems of heart involved in the infection cannot be seen up to 20-40 years afterwards. At this time, the valves of heart become enflamées, the layers stick together and become marked, rigid, thickened and shortened. This leads to the mitral regurgitation. Endocarditis occurs when the germs, particularly bacteria, use blood circulation and attack the valves of heart, causing growths and holes in the valves and outstanding. This can lead to the permeable valves. The germs which cause endocarditis write blood during dental procedures, surgery, use of drug of IV, or with serious infections. People with the
disease of valve (except the prolapsus of mitral valve without thickening or regurgitation/fleeing) are with the risk increased to develop this infection representing a danger to the life. There are many changes which can occur with the valves of the heart. The tendinae of chordae or the muscles papillary can extend or tear; the ring of the valve can dilate (become with far); or the layers of valve can become fibrotic (stiff) and were calcified.The prolapsus of mitral valve (MVP) is a very common state, assigning to 1 to 2 percent population. MVP again causes the layers of the mitral valve to collapse in the left auricle during the contraction of the heart. MVP also makes become the fabrics of the valve abnormal and extensible, making flee the valve. The condition seldom causes symptoms and usually does not require the treatment. Other
causes of the disease of valve include: disease of the coronary artery, heart attack, cardiomyopathy (the disease of muscle of heart), syphilises (a sexually transmitted disease), hypertension, aneurysms aortic, and connective fabric diseases. The less common causes of the disease of valve include tumours, some types of drugs and radiation.