The cardiovascular disease (CVD), including the race and cardiac disorder, remains the principal cause of dead in the United States in spite of the improvements of prevention, detection, and treatment. The CVD is not regarded any more as disease which assigns mainly men while they age. It is a killer of the people in the perfection of the life, with more than half of all the deaths occurring among women. The cardiovascular diseases remain the principal cause of the incapacity among the working adults. Only the race explains the incapacity moreover than million of Americans. The economic impact on the system of health develops larger like ages of population. In 2001, the estimated cost of expenditure of health and the lost productivity ascribable to the cardiovascular diseases were $298 billion. The cardiovascular disease in the state of New YorkThe cardiovascular diseases are the principal causes of died in the state of New York, killing more than 70.000 residents every year. For each person who dies of a heart attack or an angina, 18 people live under these conditions. For each person who dies of a race, seven people face the consequences of a nonfatal event. Several of these survivors are handicapped and cannot carry out the productive lives. They are also with high-risk for additional events. These numbers increase as the epidemic of the cardiac disorder and the race continue.