Heart disease is common in dogs, maybe as common as it is in humans. While some dogs are born with the development of heart problems, most problems develop in adulthood and old age. The heart is responsible for pumping oxygen-carrying blood around the body, and when heart function is far from optimal, the tissues in the body does not receive as much oxygen as they need. When the heart is no longer able to do its job effectively, the condition is defined as heart failure. There are now many ways to diagnose heart disease. In addition to electrocardiograms (ECG), cardiac ultrasound has made the diagnosis of heart disease much easier to detect. Regular visits to your veterinarian can often mean the difference between life and premature death. Dog owners may not realize that their pets are susceptible to many forms of heart disease. In most cases, heart disease can be managed successfully by early detection and treatment. Dogs in the United States examined annually by veterinarians, approximately 3.2 million have some form of heart disease, and many are in heart failure. Heart failure results from the inability of the heart to pump blood at a rate necessary to meet the needs of the organization. While continuing to work harder to pump blood, the damage occurs. The most common congenital heart defect dog is patent ductus arteriosus, or PDA. When the duct does not close as it should, the blood is pushed into the heart instead of the whole body. This can cause such an exercise video such as intolerance, increased breathing rate and coughing or collapse during exercise. The best solution is usually surgery. In most cases surgery was successful and well tolerated. Too often, dog owners do not take their dogs to visit their veterinarian until the dogs displaying signs of severe heart failure, and by then it is often too late. When heart disease is detected, your veterinarian can discuss a treatment plan and recommend a program of regular follow-up visits. There are two kinds of very common heart problems in dogs. When is a dog heart valves to lose their ability to close, leading to abnormal blood flow. In the other type, the walls of the heart muscle becomes weakened and thinned. Congestive heart failure (CHF) is the most severe form of heart disease for a dog, and it occurs when the heart is weakened and can no longer pump effectively. Some dogs with heart failure are classic couch potato-overweight and inactive. Obesity can damage your dog's heart in many ways - just like in people. These disadvantages in health can turn a slight heart problem and more serious.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Valve Disease Treatment

Heart Health Information

Coronary Disease Treatment
The coronary cardiac disorder (CHD) is a common disease and causes death among women, explaining more than 250.000 deaths among women per annum. During the two last decades, the important studies of multiple helped to define the precise clinical trials, the factors of risk, the preventive interventions, and the effective therapies for CHD. Unfortunately, several of these studies have the entirely excluded women or only the limited numbers included women and minorities. Thus, most of the obviousness supporting of the contemporary recommendations for the test, prevention, and the treatment of the coronary disease among women is extrapolated studies undertaken mainly at the men between two ages. The two best approaches to obtain the additional obviousness on the diagnosis and the treatment of CHD among women are to undertake the great studies which include with proportioned numbers of the women and the minorities to answer the question of research or to carry out systematic reviews and méta-analyses recapitulating the effect estimates by the sub-group.The agency for the search for care of health and quality (AHRQ) and the national institutes of the Office of health of research on the health of the women placed the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) - the center of practice Obviousness-based by Stanford (EPC) to review the obviousness concerning the prevention, the diagnosis, and the management of the coronary cardiac disorder among women and of the minorities. In a first phase of this work, UCSF-Stanford EPC led a preliminary examination obviously on 42 matters related to CHD among women, entitled results of systematic examination of research on the diagnosis and treatment of coronary cardiac disorder in Women.1 based on these reviews, we identified four principal questions for the review and méta-analyzes it systematic. The results of these four reviews are presented in this report/ratio.MethodologyWe carried out standardized research of the electronic data bases of the publications concerning the matter sectors. We developed specific limits of research for each of the four principal matters and undertook a separate research of the obviousness concerning each one. We also reviewed the bibliographies of the required articles and sought suggestions for the additional articles of our expert critics of par. For each matter sector, we established the clear criteria of inclusion which required that the studies provide data concerning the detail of question of research to the women.For three of the principal questions (, reduction diagnostic tests of lipids and diabetes not invading), two investigators of UCSF-Stanford EPC reviewed all the identified titles and excluded those which did not meet criteria of inclusion. The summaries of the remaining articles were reviewed by two investigators of doctor of UCSF-Stanford EPC, who independently classified acceptability. To complete text of the remaining eligible articles was reviewed independently by two investigators of doctor of UCSF-Stanford EPC employing the standardized forms of abstraction to classify acceptability, the quality of rate as Juste or good based on preset criteria, and the data abstract for eligible studies. For the principal question concerning the troponine, from the titles and the summaries were reviewed by an investigator of UCSF-Stanford EPC. Data were withdrawn of each eligible article by two critical independent and seized on the electronic forms of standardized data.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Heart Diseases Description
The cardiovascular disease (CVD), including the race and cardiac disorder, remains the principal cause of dead in the United States in spite of the improvements of prevention, detection, and treatment. The CVD is not regarded any more as disease which assigns mainly men while they age. It is a killer of the people in the perfection of the life, with more than half of all the deaths occurring among women. The cardiovascular diseases remain the principal cause of the incapacity among the working adults. Only the race explains the incapacity moreover than million of Americans. The economic impact on the system of health develops larger like ages of population. In 2001, the estimated cost of expenditure of health and the lost productivity ascribable to the cardiovascular diseases were $298 billion. The cardiovascular disease in the state of New YorkThe cardiovascular diseases are the principal causes of died in the state of New York, killing more than 70.000 residents every year. For each person who dies of a heart attack or an angina, 18 people live under these conditions. For each person who dies of a race, seven people face the consequences of a nonfatal event. Several of these survivors are handicapped and cannot carry out the productive lives. They are also with high-risk for additional events. These numbers increase as the epidemic of the cardiac disorder and the race continue.
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